Thursday 17 May 2012


The moment I felt myself
Getting into the embrace
Of your dreams.
Was the moment I saw you.
The feeling of loosing every thing
In this world but you,
Started at the moment I saw you.
I am so lost in your dreams,
That I can hardly remember myself.
I close and see your face,
And every time I feel that I listen to your voice.
My world just stops when I watch you smile.
This life would be empty when you are away from my life.
Its just so beautiful to get to feel this way.
Its just so beautiful to make you change my life.
Its just so wonderful to fall in love with you.
Its just so wonderful to feel to love you my love.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


Come to me like you did before,
Heal me like you did before.
Touch my soul deep inside,
To wipe off my pain.
Which was on my fate,
Stuck like a stain.
Can’t wait any longer,
To look for you.
You are like the first rain.
Falling from the summer worn skies.
The thunder of dark clouds
embarks upon the cool wind breeze,
as it showers on us
and spreads smiles on our faces.
You are the one who makes me feel,
That the world is such a wonderful place,
When you are with me.
I must say you are the one,
And I love you its true.
You remind me of cold winters,
When folks sit closely around burning wooden splinters.
And I crave to be close with you.
You are the one who makes me feel,
That love does exist,
When you are with me.
You are my lively breeze of the springs.
I feel like playing on guitars and pull the strings.
You are the music so enchanting,
And kissing life in me.
Times may change now and then,
But we don’t know what will happen
How and when.
Nothing might be forever
But my love for you will cease never.
O my love
You are the charm of all those seasons.
And to live without you
I have no reason.
You fill the life on my deserted roads.
Till I had you in my life.
I walked as I had no directions.
Your words to me
Are just like heaven’s interactions.
You mean a whole lot to me,
And I see no life without you.
And my love and all the feelings are all true. 

Monday 7 May 2012


Sometimes I wish that I could fly.
Set all my dreams to reach the sky.
I wish to soar so high
And want to see you from the sky.
I wish to watch you go along those roads.
I want to see you doing all those things,
Which you often use to do.
As I love to love you like the way you are.
You are my shining star of my sky.
You are the freshness of a new day,
O yeah!
I love to see you like the way you smile.
I love the way you laugh.
This helps me to go on,
Even if my way is tough.
You help me going on against all odds.
I wish to join you on those once lost roads.
Sometimes I wish that I could fly.
Set all my dreams to reach the sky.
I wish to see you,
How you make things going.
You fill this emptiness,
which I was not showing.
This life can’t be so good,
Without you my love.
You are like the light in the darkness
Where I was lost.
This is how I understand,
That living life with you,
Is such a wonderful thing.

Saturday 5 May 2012


Holy love
Oh how long I wish to be with you by my side.
Numerous years of solitude have set for me the rules to abide.
Breathing this air, hoping as if it has touched you, in some corner of the world.
As the crimson rays of twilight fall upon my lonely grounds,
Where I stand alone on this earth, awaiting your arrival, with unblinking eyelids.
I walk here in the mist, as I hear my own footsteps born out of the silence.
Looking in the direction of the wind,  to smell it hoping as if they have brought your fragrance.
Every time when I wish to stop thinking about you,
I realize the loss of the reason to stay to stay alive.
This life may play the gloomy tunes of a bittersweet symphony,
Where I greet the pain, descending upon the garden of of my heart,
The sacred place where I worship your essence.
Where the matters of lust,anger and greed don’t exist.
I still smile as the rising heartache is dancing upon the garden of love,
But I won’t let this dance of death plunder my orchard of my emotions,
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The feelings that I preserve safely as the hymns to the spiritual beauty of our holy love. 


Come along my dear with me
Hold my hands and walk there with me.
Open eyes of yours and see the sky.
Now we belong to this different world.
Far away from those useless desires.
Peace and tranquility is what we admire.
And the fortress of pain,
Is burnt down with my fire.
I will show you just come along with me.
We will be there just walk besides me.
The world which I will show you now,
Lies deep in my heart for you.
O my dearest love just for you.
You are my sunshine
You are the light divine.
Just believe me,
And look into eyes of mine
I love you.
This comes from deep within my inside.
O come along hold my hand,
I’ll show you a different world. 

Thursday 3 May 2012


I can see through these eyes 
the open book of your heart
just as simple and sweet as you
i read the untold stories
unknown to everyone
and realize how precious you can be,
to anyone,
all i wish is to be the reason to your happiness
and keep a smile on your face with a blissful heart


I just don’t wonder,
If I find myself
loosing into you.
Its just so amazing
To find my soul
Infusing into you.
I just can’t torment myself
In this lonely quietitude.
I just keep thinking of you
In my lonely solitude.
When I look in to your eyes
It seems like a lively sunrise.
You are like the innocence of a blooming rose.
So full of life that I can’t deny.
That I am loosing myself into you.
As I breath in the air
And my heart beats,
With every sound of the thump,
Your name comes without a retreat.
I can’t wait longer to be with you.
All I dream is only you.
And just don’t ever wonder
To have to feel this way. 


I am tormented now
It’s for the distance between us.
Lost in this darkness how?
It’s for the silence between us.
I desperately try to keep my self at bay,
From the feeling of restlessness,
Embarking upon my heart,
All night and day.
It’s the anarchy of doom,
On my once bright sky.
I lost myself for you,
But to find me back I don’t even try.
I am tormented now
It’s for the distance between us.
Lost in this darkness how?
It’s for the silence between us.
Don’t leave me alone,
In this anarchy of doom.
Suffocating under LUCIFERS’S throne.
Where to breathe to life again there is not enough room.
I need you more than
I need myself.
My life is just so doomed
Without yourself.
Where without you I am lost in this anarchy of doom.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


When I am alone,
And the darkness collides,
With my eyes.
I wish I could run for the light,
And look up to the sky.
I seek the help from stars,
But they won’t heal my scars.
As I walk on a different road,
Deserted by the world long ago.
I traveled all the paths and all the roads,
To get a glimpse of your smile.
To live and treasure this moment
I can walk a million miles.
As my way gets longer
my love for you gets stronger.
I love to fee this way,
The addiction of this sweetest pain.
With the brightness of your eyes,
I can see the beginning of a new sunrise.
I can walk this lonesome path,
By thinking of those sweet memories,
That you have given to me.
All that I ever know,
Is that I love you the most.
No matter where I have gone
No matter where I am lost,
But I’ll be back to you,
When you call me.
O you are the one


I love you no matter what.

No matter how much pain
My fate relents on me,
No matter how much sufferings,
I have to go through.
My love for you won’t change ever.
Deep down in my heart
I hold the love for you forever.
Down there in darkest corners,
I am beaten down battered and bruised.
But I won’t give it up,
To love you forever.
I don’t care what fate decides for me.
I don’t care how this life seems to be.
But I won’t back down in this pain or grief.
I wish to rise,
Spread out my wings and fly,
And reach to the highest sky.
But I wish you to trust me and hold my hands,
As we together touch the sky.
I wish to hold you in my arms
No matter if agony comes pounding
In filthy numerous swarms.
I believe one day we could be together.
In each others’ embrace and parted never


There’s no confusion that my life,
Has started changing now.
It’s my confession that I am
Like this way but don’t know how?
How do I ever get to feel this way?
Everything is locked inside and I can’t say,
Everything is normal but it’s not an ordinary day.
I have just wandered and lost in the shades of grey.
I have been breathing,
And my heart is beating like before.
But my emotions and those confusions,
Are not like before anymore.
I have been trying to find myself in here.
I am so lost and this condition is so severe.
Closed eyes folded hands and started to pray.
I have just wandered and lost in the shades of grey.
Drowned in sedation,
Of addiction of enchantised pain.
Madness is glorified
As we drench in this rain.
I wish to make you understand,
In my heart you have stayed.
I have just wandered and lost,
I am lost in the shades of grey.
With passing time I understand,
That I am lost in you.
I have been suffering all this while but it’s nothing new.
Because; I have just wandered and lost
I am lost in the shades of grey. 


A dark cloudy evening where stars and moon stay hidden.
I await u by the horizon where our love is forbidden.
Where lucifer descends embarked on darkness.
And his sarcastic laughter drags me to sadness.
Under deep shadows and brilliant highlights.
I wish to meet you by the serene river at crimson twilight.
When the light fades away and darkness creeps in.
I would like to show u the aura that i hold for u within.
Angels look up to thy heaven sent charm.
Thou art enchanting with thy embrace so warm.
Thee raise a sweet pandemonium in my mind.
For thou even the angels can leave the heaven behind.
O the nephilic enigma thou art an enchantress sublime.